Dyfi Timber is based at the heart of the Esgair Estate 500 acres of commercial coniferous and deciduous forest set wihin the Dyfi Forest in the Southern area of Snowdonia National Park. Warm and moist growingconditions, varied topography and theestate character of the forest mean that we have access to an unrivalled selection of raw materials including a high proportion of large, mature specimens perfect for large exposed beams. The forest was first plantedbetween 1940 and 1965 and has supplied premium Welsh timber ever since. In the 1970s the Forest was owned by the Windham familywho first earnedrecognition as pioneers of sustainable private forestry –a baton we are proud to carry into the 21stcentury. We also process locally sourced timber from farms and forests throughout Mid Wales. All of our timber is felled and cut to order.Our main coniferous species are; Douglas Fir, European Larch, Sitka Spruce, Western Red Cedar, Lawson Cypress, Western Hemlock , Norway Spruce, Noble Fir and Grand Fir. Our Deciduous species are; Sessile Oak, Birch, Beech, Chilean Beech and Sweet Chestnut
We believe that the forest enhances our quality of life.
We manage it responsibly to ensure that future generations will get to enjoy the same benefits that we do. We replant on a continuous basis with 1.2 ( AFF) saplings planted for every mature tree felled or cleared. And because we fell to order our trees are left to grow for longer. Our timbers are all supplied untreated meaning that local builders and homeowners avoid exposure to some commonly used and very harsh chemicals.Our Sawmill is constructedusingentirely our own timber,from mature trees growing within 100 metres of the site. It is designed to maximise natural light . Excess heat from the generators that power our machines heats our office areaand powers the wood-drying kiln.Our forest is also home to Dyfi Bike Park mountain bike trails providing a world –class sporting facility and providing much needed tourism income to the region. MOREThe Bike Park and Forest are managed in harmony to preserve one of the most stunning locations in the UK. We carefully select which trees to fell so that riders on the tracks are protected from the wind and that the trails are protectedfrom erosion and the ravages of the Welsh weather for the benefit of future generations of riders. We are determined to preserve the high levels of biodiversity in our forest by continuing to develop our broad leaved sections We plant X% hardwood(2016 Silver birch, beech approx. 10 acres )